We have lots in store this Christmas season and would love to invite you to Christmas at Blackpool Church. We can’t wait to see you there.
Christmas Fair
Join us for a hot chocolate factory, photobooth, Christmas crafts, pigs in blanket barms and festive fun for all the family.
Saturday 7th December, 1pm-3pm.
Family Carols
Join us for an interactive nativity for all the family, lots of carols to sing along with and pigs in blankets barms!
Sunday 15th December, 11am.
(Doors open from 10:30am)
Classic Carols
It wouldn’t be Christmas without an ‘all the trimmings’ carol service. There will be choir led carols, mulled wine and mince pies! We can't wait to see you there.
Saturday 21st December, 7pm.
(Doors open 6:30pm)
Midnight Mass
Join us on Christmas Eve for a reflective service where we look forward to celebrating the birth of Jesus. We'll be singing Christmas carols, there'll be a short talk from the Bible and we share communion together.
Tuesday 24th December, 11:30pm.
(Doors open 11pm)
Christmas Day
On Christmas Day, we meet together for a short, fun-filled all-age gathering where we sing Christmas carols, play some games and celebrate Jesus' birth!
Wednesday 25th December, 10am.
(Doors open 9:30am)

Love Christmas
Love Christmas is a way to promote kindness and connection over anxiety and isolation, reaching those that are struggling or alone at Christmas.
To do this, we’re going to be packing gifts of hope and distributing them across the town. You can get involved by donating, signing up to pack and deliver, or request support here.