Weekly and One-Off Events
Alongside our regular gatherings, there are loads of events running throughout the year: Alpha, Leadership Conference, Focus and many more. You can see what’s coming up below.

Good Friday
We will be gathering on Good Friday for an evening of worship and reflection remembering Jesus' death on the cross. Doors open at 7pm.

Easter Fair
Our Easter Fair is fun for the whole family! There’ll be quizzes, tasty food and Easter activities for all ages. Best of all it’s completely free - can’t wait to see you there!

Easter Sunday
We will be celebrating Easter Sunday with baptisms, singing and a talk from the Bible. Doors open at 10:30 for coffee and pastries. We can’t wait to see you there!

Focus 2025
Focus is the summer holiday for the HTB Network. It’s a chance to spend quality time together, share food, pray and worship together, and support each other as we grow.

Family Kingdom Come
Family Kingdom Come is an event for kids and parents to come together to worship.

Kingdom Come
Kingdom Come is an opportunity to spend extended time worshiping and praying for our town and for one another.

The Prayer Pick
Prayer makes a difference so we’re going out into the streets to ask God to make a difference in Blackpool.

Christmas Day
On Christmas Day, we meet together for a short, fun-filled all-age gathering where we sing Christmas carols, play some games and celebrate Jesus' birth!

Midnight Mass
Join us on Christmas Eve for a reflective service where we look forward to celebrating the birth of Jesus. We'll be singing Christmas carols, there'll be a short talk from the Bible and we share communion together.

Classic Carols
It wouldn’t be Christmas without an ‘all the trimmings’ carol service. There will be choir led carols, mulled wine and minced pies! We can't wait to see you there.
(Doors open 6:30pm)

Family Carols
Join us for an interactive nativity for all the family, lots of carols to sing along with and pigs in blankets barms. Come wearing your favourite Christmas jumper!
(Doors open from 10:30)

Newcomers Lunch
If you are new to the church, we would love to invite you to come along to our Newcomer’s Lunch!

Christmas Fair
Join us for a hot chocolate factory, photobooth, Christmas crafts, pigs in blanket barms and festive fun for all the family. Free entry.

Love Christmas Delivery
Join us to deliver gifts for Love Christmas on Sunday 1st December.

Love Christmas Packing
Join us to pack gifts for Love Christmas on Sunday 24th November.

Newcomers Lunch
If you are new to the church, we would love to invite you to come along to our Newcomer’s Lunch!

Newcomers Lunch
If you are new to the church, we would love to invite you to come along to our Newcomer’s Lunch!

Alpha Week 1
Alpha is a course that creates a space where people are excited to bring their friends for a conversation about faith, life and God.

Newcomers Lunch
If you are new to the church, we would love to invite you to come along to our Newcomer’s Lunch!

Marriage Course
The Marriage Course is a series of seven sessions, designed to help married couples invest in their relationship and build a strong marriage.

Focus 2024
Focus is the summer holiday for the HTB Network. It’s a chance to spend quality time together, share food, pray and worship together, and support each other as we grow.

Newcomers Lunch
If you are new to the church, we would love to invite you to come along to our Newcomer’s Lunch!

Kingdom Come
Kingdom Come is an opportunity to spend extended time worshiping and praying for our town and for one another.

The Celebration
As part of our 10 Days of Prayer leading up to Pentecost, we have a special celebration gathering on Saturday 18th May here at Blackpool Church. There will be worship, prayer and a talk.

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting & Electoral Roll
In April, our church will be having its APCM.

Easter Sunday
We will be celebrating Easter Sunday with baptisms, singing and a talk from the Bible. Doors open at 10:30 for coffee and pastries. We can’t wait to see you there!

Easter Fair
Our Easter Fair is fun for the whole family! There’ll be quizzes, tasty food and Easter activities for all ages. Best of all it’s completely free - can’t wait to see you there!

Good Friday
We will be gathering on Good Friday for an evening of worship and reflection remembering Jesus' death on the cross. Doors open at 7:15pm.

Holy Week Prayer Mornings
Every day from Monday 25th March to Easter Sunday we will be gathering for morning prayer at 8-8.30am in our Prayer Room. Everyone is welcome and there's no need to book a place.

Kingdom Come
Kingdom Come is an evening of worship, prayer and encounter where we give time and space for the Holy Spirit to move.