Blackpool Church Kids
We are passionate about creating spaces where families can grow and thrive. If you are a family with children under the age of 11, there is a space for you here.
Sunday Gathering
We can’t wait to welcome your children to one of your groups during our 11am gathering. You can register your child on arrival at the check-in desk- look for the bright pink kids banner!
For ages 0-2, we have a creche for you and your child to use during the gathering! It is full of exciting toys and books to keep them entertained.
Mini Kids: This group is for children aged 3-5. Each week we explore a different theme or story using play and sensory activities.
Sunday Kids: This group is for children in Year 1 to Year 6. We worship and pray together, play games, make things, read stories from the Bible and have a whole lot of fun!
Babies & Toddlers
Join us for a fun morning of craft, singing and stories!
There are hot drinks for the grown-ups and toast for everyone.
The group runs every Wednesday at 9:30am- 11am, term time only, and is for children aged 0-4 with a parent/carer.
Term time only.
For parents/guardians
Here are a few helpful links for you. Please fill in the consent form for your child if they would like to join us for any of our kids events. Here you can see our safeguarding policy. We would love to hear from you, if you have any questions email hello@blackpool.church.