We’ve put together some frequently asked questions to help you know what’s happening in Kids and how things are working!
What groups do you run?
For ages 0-2, we have a creche for you and your child to use during the gathering! It is full of exciting toys and books to keep them entertained.
Mini Kids - This group is for children aged 3-5. Each week we explore a different theme or story using play and sensory activities.
Sunday Kids- This group is for children in Year 1 to Year 6. We worship and pray together, play games, make things, read stories from the Bible and have a whole lot of fun!
What will my kids do?
Each week we’ll look at a different story or theme in the Bible and unpack it together. We do this through games, stories, craft and discussion. We’ll also have times of prayer and worship. Every week is different!
How do I find out what my kids are getting up to?
Speak to the children’s and families worker either when you register your child or when you collect your child after the session. We also have a kids newsletter- sign up on the Kids page or let a team member know if you want to sign up as a parent or guardian.
Do I need to book a ticket?
Nope - just come along! Please register your child on arrival at the check-in desk- look for the bright pink Kids banner!
Why are there capacities on group sizes?
We have capacities on our group sizes and ratios, in line with the Church of England’s guidance that we have to work within to help keep everyone safe. It means everyone can have the best and safest time!
We endorse the OfSTED minimum requirements which are:
3-8 year old - 1:8 ratio
8+ years old - 1:8 for the first 8 children, 1:12 for every further 12
My child isn’t feeling very well - can they still come along?
If your child is unwell, we would ask you to stay at home for that week, to help us keep everyone safe and healthy. Children with diarrhoea and / or vomiting should not come along until at least 48 hours after their symptoms have gone. We also need you to stay home if you, your child, or anyone in your house, feels unwell or shows any symptoms of or similar to covid-19.
What do I need to do if my child has been to Kids and then tests positive for covid-19?
Please contact us to let us know as soon as possible. We will then follow the policies and procedures we have in place to keep everyone safe.
Where will my kids be?
We have a great room next to the main church area that has plenty of space for all our activities.
What are the timings for Blackpool Church Kids?
At Blackpool Church we’ll all worship together and then kids will head into groups.
Where do I need to go on arrival?
We’ve got a big pink sign so we’re easy to spot! Check in opens at 10:30AM. The Check-in team will sign your kids in, as well as show you where to go.
I’ve got a child under 4 - what can I do?
For ages 0-2, we have a creche for you and your child to use during the gathering! It is full of exciting toys and books to keep them entertained.
Mini Kids - This group is for children aged 3-5. Each week we explore a different theme or story using play and sensory activities.
Who looks after my kids?
Our fantastic Blackpool Church Kids Team! All of our team have been through our safer recruitment process, safeguarding training and have enhanced DBS checks so you’re in safe hands.
What should they bring with them?
As little as possible please! Please don’t send your kids in with their own toys – we don’t want them to get lost!
What happens if my kids won’t settle in a group?
Parents/carers are able to enter the groups to settle children but we do ask you to limit contact with other children. We will also come and get you if your child is upset.
What about nappies and toileting?
At the beginning of every session the leader will remind children to ask them if they need to go to the toilet. The toilet is next to the kids room and no-one else has access to this.
My child has additional needs - are the groups suitable?
We want to provide an environment where every child can encounter Jesus and explore faith, whatever their needs. Please get in touch with us if you need more information. We would love to meet you and your kids, and make sure they get the best support.
Can I join the team?
Absolutely! We are always looking for people to come alongside the kids! To register your interest and for more info click here.
If you want any more information or you want to join team please email hello@blackpool.church.
Get in touch
If there’s anything else you need to know about kids work at Blackpool Church. You can email hello@blackpool.church.