

A is for Ambition

We believe the vision of reaching the town for Christ is ambitious, and so we should be to! The example and life of Jesus shows us we aren’t to live within our comfort zone!


B is for Brilliance

We don’t aim for perfection, but we aim to give 100% in all we do. If we believe God cares about everyone individually more than we could ever know, we show this in every detail.


C is for Creativity

We are a creative church. At every opportunity we want to use creative thinking to find new ways to reach people in the town.


D is for Dependence

We must be a church dependent on God at all times. Jesus, throughout his life and ministry, took himself away to pray. We must make this a crucial part of what we do and who we are, whenever we serve, and on whatever team that is.


E is for Enthusiasm

In Jesus, we see someone who build others up and encourages them to step out into their gifting and potential. We believe strongly God calls us all to do the same. As we serve as part of the church, we want to always bring positivity and a can-do attitude.


How about you?

If you want to join the team, we’d love to hear from you. Click the link below and we’ll be in touch.